Castlevania Dominus Collection shadow drops today

At Today’s Nintendo Partner Direct, we received some jaw dropping news and one such tidbit was Konami would be releasing a second collection of portable Castlevania games, this time focusing on the titles which were released on the Nintendo DS.

Castlevania Dominus Collection will reacquaint Castlevania fans with Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow, Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin (Konami ran out cognizant phrases that would have the acronym of “DS”), Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia. This collection also include a bonus of Haunted Castle, the tough as nails arcade title that  starred Simon Belmont as well as a retooled version that is tuned for modern audiences dubbed Haunted Castle Revisited.

The title will allow you to adjust how each games’ dual screens are displayed, offer save states (Which will come in handy for Order of Ecclesia’s Boss Medal Challenges), archival galleries, bestiary, music player, and even manuals and box art. It looks to be a complete package that will be available for fans to pick up (It’s on PC after all!).

Castlevania Dominus Collection is available now on PC, Switch, the PS5 and Xbox Series X|S.

Castlevania Dominus Collection | Launch Trailer

Castlevania Dominus Collection | Launch Trailer

Castlevania Dominus Collection screens: